2024 495/MetroWest Employer Survey

The 495/MetroWest Partnership invites business and organizational leaders across our region to take part in our annual 495/MetroWest Employer Survey! This survey represents a collaborative effort between the 495/MetroWest Partnership and Framingham State University's MetroWest Economic Research Center (MERC). Over the past decade, this survey has proven an important tool in gauging business confidence in the 495/MetroWest region. Now being conducted for the 11th year running, the survey is an opportunity for our region’s employers to communicate concerns and challenges, which can guide policymakers in considering needed changes and investments. The survey is also an important tool in forecasting future growth by regional employers, and in identifying warning signs of challenges to come.

The 2024 Employer Survey has now closed. We thank you for your participation! Results and analysis will be published in the coming weeks. 

Key survey details:
  • Who should participate in this survey? Owners, leaders, or individuals with regional hiring authority for private, public, or nongovernmental organizations that have a presence in the 495/MetroWest region.
  • This survey should only take about 5-7 minutes to complete.
  • Your individual responses will be anonymous; your answers will be aggregated and reported with all responses.
Thank you for your assistance in continuing this important economic assessment tool for our region. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Executive Director Jason Palitsch via email at [email protected].